Never undersell your worth

There’s a formula that freelancers need to know

Jo Driscoll
2 min readOct 18, 2021
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Desperation for money + imposter syndrome = getting lowballed

Imposter syndrome is something that most freelancers will suffer from at some point. It’s quite common for freelancers just starting out to suffer with it as they don’t feel they are ‘proper’ writers/artists/designers or whatever they are, yet.

But I have news for you, if you’re charging for your services then you are a ‘proper’ whatever. Even if you’re doing it for free, then you’re still a ‘proper’ whatever.

This is it. It’s real. You’re doing it. You may not have a lot of experience yet but it doesn’t mean what you’re doing is inferior to what someone with more experience might do. Talent and passion can go a long way when you lack experience.

If the work you do is just as good as what someone with a lot more experience could do, then surely you deserve to get paid the same? Clients don’t need to know how much experience you have, they just need to know you can do the job.

Don’t let yourself get pressured into taking on jobs or clients that aren’t going to pay your worth just because you desperately need the money. Walking away from toxic or lowballing clients gives you the opportunity to find better work and clients.

