Goals Keep us Going

It’s easy to lose your way without a focus

Jo Driscoll
5 min readApr 1, 2022
Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

After I left university, I toyed with several career choices. I took a writing course and made an attempt at a career as a writer. I also made plans to start a web design business. Thankfully that business never left the planning stage as I’m terrible at design.

I eventually fell into a career in web development and at one stage, planned to start my own web development business.

Over the years, I’ve had lots of ideas for a new business. Funnily enough, none of them ever got past the planning stage.

By way of redundancy, I suddenly found myself freelance as a web developer, so by a twist of fate, I got my business after all. I then threw it all away after I took a sabbatical for personal reasons. I eventually reinvented myself as a freelance writer and ended up with the career I wanted all those years ago.

A freelance writer is, however, a rather broad term. There are all sorts of writers: bloggers, copywriters, content writers, grant writers, novel writers, short story writers, poets, journalists, and other areas of writing — the list goes on. So, what sort of writer did I reinvent myself as? Well, herein lies the problem — I didn’t define it for myself and kept it deliberately vague because I didn’t really have a specific goal to…

